What's up, folks? I've been miniature gaming for over twenty years now! Starting with Warhammer Fantasy 6th edition and 40k 4th edition. I played Dwarves and Ogres in Fantasy and all Orks all the time in 40k. During college, I slowed down on gaming because I moved away from my regular group and shop. Since then, I've dabbled in a ton of games with the most serious having been Warmachine mk 2, Malifaux 1e/2e/3e and Marvel Crisis Protocol. I probably read more rules than I actually play and paint now with work and life, but that's the whole point of this new blog. I'd like to talk about my projects in and around miniature gaming, share progress and connect with other miniature gamers and painters out there.
To try and curb my game rules adhd, I'm going to commit to some systems/eras/scales and do those first before reading too deep into other systems, at least that's the goal for the year. I'm sure this list will change and adapt with work/life and as cool things release on Wargame Vault.
Here's the project list so far, trying to keep it reasonable.
1) Strike Legion: Platoon Leader - Legionnaire Games
I'm playing this one in 15mm; it's a tactical team/squad level game with nice crunchy rules including a reaction system, leadership actions and all kinds of bells and whistles to add onto the base game like crewed weapons and Vehicles.
The rule book has several missions in the back using teams also provided. The system allows you to build and create your own units and factions though. I put an order into Khurasan miniatures to get enough figures to play the first two missions to the table using the pre-built factions.
After getting them painted and on the table, I want to learn using these pre-built lists. Then, I'll build two custom lists and lore for the two factions. One is very Alien and a hodge podge of figures I like and the other is a more uniform human/military scifi vibe. We'll see what shakes out there.
The last week or so I have been basing up the armies using some laser cut bases from Litko. I'll be standardizing basing for this game, but the basing and units should allow me to try other systems like Gruntz, No Stars in Sight and Strike Legion Tactical with the same minis. (Focus!)
I'm getting them primed here this week to paint for the Painting Challenge starting the 21st of December. I know many do 15mm on popsicle sticks, but I'm trying to do these on the stand already. We'll see if that's a good or a bad choice. The reason I'm going this route is the stands are easier to handle than sticks or small 15mm pieces.
2) Land of the Free - Osprey Publishing
I picked this ruleset up recently to play 15mm French Indian War (FIW) scenarios. They have some historical re-fights in the book for The Battle of the Monongahela, Ticonderoga, Plains of Abraham and Sainte-Foy that require some pretty big forces. I was going to play Muskets and Tomahawks in 28mm instead but wanted something crunchier first. I'll get to M&T eventually it looks fun and random.
I'll be using Old Glory 15mm for this but haven't put the order in yet, basing on stands again for ease at the scale. I know there's some value to skirmishing and having individual bases but at the 15mm scale I'll sacrifice some realism for ease of use.
The goal here for 2024 is getting a French and a British army painted and on the table a few times. It would be ideal to try a re-fight, but I may not want/have enough miniatures for that. I've always been a fan of the FIW era of US History with so many countries vying for power here and working alongside and against various Indian factions. Historical gaming offers a deeper connection and books and documentaries to learn from where scifi/fantasy rules sets let you flex that creative muscle.
This set can cover the Revolution and War of 1812 as well as the Northwest Indian war. I don't think I'll be playing those wars, but it's a cool option to put some of the minis from FIW to use.
3) Five Parsecs from Home - Modiphus
I've been exploring this set with solo gaming and having some quick fun. Not sure how often I'll play, but it will be on the table a few more times. It's been a good way to use old minis and play something that doesn't take a lot of extra prep. The solo system is pretty great too.
The problem here is Warhammer 40k: Rouge Trader released and has really taken over the interest that had me playing Five Parsecs. As I get through that story (playing heretical!), I'll return to Five Parsecs a few more times. My current campaign is on turn five I think, hoping to get ten more rounds to wrap it up for 2024. I don't have unlimited minis, so there's a lot of repeat appearances in my games, but it's been fun.
Now hear me out, I hate the financial model Wizkids has around Heroclix. It is awful and predatory with constant sets rotating like a TCG, so that you have to buy, buy, buy all year to keep "in the game". I did it for a few years from X-Men Animated to Disney+ What If, but now I play online for free, haha! I've been playing a weekly match with a friend using Roll20.
I love comics and Heroclix is actually a great rules set for super hero gaming and very chess like in it's strategy. Simple with tactical decisions but a very good degree of random introduced by the dice rolls.
It's a game that deserves better support from the company. If they do something digital on Steam or mobile, it would take off. I've got a huge collection to play from but haven't played a physical game in many months. I'd like to get a few matches on the table in 2024 and keep my weekly game going online.
5) Boardgames!
My wife and I love to play boardgames of all kinds. We'll be continuing that hobby into 2024 as well. There aren't any specific games on the list (yet), just playing through our game library and exploring one or two new games along the way.
That's it for now. Five goals, but only the first two are actual "Miniature Gaming Projects." When I finally get both Strike Legion: Platoon Leader and Land of the Free on the table, I'll start locking in the next system/era scale. Until then, I'll be trying to resist new shiny systems and miniatures.
Looking forward to writing more here and digging into these games and others along the way.
In case you're interested in what may appear here later, this is my backlog for now. Some projects have been started, I've got rules for a few and others only good intentions.
Gruntz, No Stars in Sight and Strike Legion Tactical, Force on Force: Ambush Valley, 'Nam, Clash of Spears, Muskets and Tomahawks, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Malifaux 3e, Starmada, Task Force Zeta, Battletech, FNG, Charlie Company, Fantastic Battles, Mayhem, Gaslands, Castles in the Sky and Le Art de la Guerre. 40k is in the list but with the cost of an army and the table size/community needed I'm holding off on my return to the grimdark for now, but I plan to get a Battle Sisters and another Ork force rolling again someday.
- Rob
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